Cancellation/Refund Policy

Regular Rate Customers

Under $500 = No Refund or Credit

Over $500 = 75% refund / 25% credit* for future boarding. Major holidays (peak) and August cancellations (peak) only receive credits*.

To apply your credit, contact [email protected] BEFORE you set up your new boarding.

*Credits redeemable only for non-peak boardings.

Camp Pass Customers

Under $500 = Credit for a future boarding

Over $500 = 75% refund / 25% credit for future boarding. Major holidays and August cancellations only receive credits**.

To apply your credit, contact [email protected] BEFORE you set up your new boarding.

**Credits redeemable for non-peak AND peak boardings.

Camp Pass+ Customers

Under $500 = Credit for a future boarding

Over $500 = 75% refund / 25% credit for future boarding. Major holidays and August cancellations will only receive credits***.

To apply your credit, contact [email protected] BEFORE you set up your new boarding.

***Credits redeemable for non-peak AND peak boardings.

Camp Passes must be purchased BEFORE you book your stay to be eligible for the above refund/credit benefits.

Outstanding credits or refunds can also be donated to our re-homing program, a fund set up to support dogs whose owners have turned over ownership to Country Dogs due to exigent circumstances.

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