Client Testimony

I wanted to tell you folks that I really appreciate Mark’s taking all the time he did talking to me and reassuring me about Country Dogs and boarding my dog Murphy [at the NYC/NJ/PA/MD site] over Christmas. I have browsed around your site a bit more and read the article linked, and I feel increasingly better about choosing your farm to board Murphy. I appreciate that you do not take on too many dogs at once and that there is a lot of room outdoors for the dogs to play and be dogs. As Murphy is a shelter dog and has never been to day care, I didn’t want him to be in a kennel where he would just sit in a cage and MAYBE get walked once or twice a day. I also even felt unsure about other daycare/boarding facilities that offer lots of play but seemed to have so many doggie clients with only indoor facilities (or very small outdoor facilities).

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Boarding with Country Dogs gives me great peace of mind.


I wanted to thank all of you once again for the excellent, caring, and professional way you handled Savannah’s medical crisis on July 19.


We love sending Humphrey to Country Dogs [DC/NoVA in September 2010]!


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